European Muslim Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark
12 February 2019
Muslims leaders of Europe will meet in Copenhagen on Tuesday to study humanitarian aspects of the Uighur issue, and will respond to the recent call for uniting efforts of the Abrahamic religions that was suggested by the Pope of Rome and Islamic scholars.

On 12 February 2019 Muslim leaders of Europe will meet on the platform of the European Muslim Forum. The meeting will take place at the legendary Scandic Palace hotel in Copenhagen. Prominent Muslim representatives of more than 15 European countries will discuss, offline and online, various points regarding the activity of the European Muslim Forum, as well as the vital issues related to the large 160-million Muslim community of the Greater Europe.

The Eurocentric and pro-European line of the European Muslim Forum sets the agenda for its Board meeting, that have previously taken place in Barcelona, Rome, Brussels and Paris, with the upcoming meeting to be held in the capital of Denmark Copenhagen.

One of the most important initiatives to be reviewed at the meeting will be the disturbing Uighur issue, which is being currently discussed in many countries of the world, and is very complex and controversial. The EMF has invited the leaders of the Uighur communities of Europe as special guests so that they can describe what is really happening in the East Turkistan/ Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and discuss how exactly can the Muslims of Europe provide humanitarian and legal support for their brothers in faith, considering the significant economical and political contacts between China and the countries of Greater Europe.

After the meeting the leadership of the European Muslim Forum will visit the leaders of the main Muslim communities of Copenhagen and various religious institutions: the Central Synagogue, Roman Catholic Church and, of course, the leadership of the main confession of the country – the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. Inter-religious communication of the Abrahamic faiths is becoming a trend, following the historical meeting in the United Arab Emirates where Islamic scholars, including the Imam of Al-Azhar University, and the Pope of Rome where they called all the believers to unite their efforts in the face of modern challenges. This idea of moving towards each other was welcomed and started to be implemented by the European Muslim leaders starting from Scandinavian countries.

Secretariat of the European Muslim Forum
72 rue Maraîchers
75020 Paris, France
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