European Muslim Forum declaration of Rome, 23.10.2018
Address to the Muslims of Europe

In the name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful.

We, the representatives of the Muslim communities of Europe, on behalf of the European Muslim Forum that was founded in Barcelona on 8 October 2018, address the Muslims of Greater Europe - from the Atlantic to the Urals and the Caspian Sea.

Our continent first encountered Islam during the time of our great Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the early Caliphate - from the Pyrenees to Derbent. Throughout the next 14 centuries Islam and Muslims have been an integral part of the history and identity of Europe. More than a half of the Greater European countries have Islamic pages in their history as well, whilst Islamic civilisation has decorated their treasure-houses with spiritual and historical heritage. Europe, including the Mediterranean countries, since the time of ancient civilisations has played a significant and occasionally an influential role in the history, economy and culture of the world, particularly after the era of the Rashidun Caliphate, which was undertaken with the participation of our brothers in Faith. Today the entire Muslim population of Greater Europe, including Turkey and the countries of Transcaucasia and Kazakhstan, is estimated to be in the region of 170 million people, and the representatives of our Ummah live in every European country. The vast majority of European Muslims are native to the continent, although we also have people who came to these lands in search of a better life. Europe now is our beloved home which we are proud of and which we want to make even more comfortable.

Discussing the spiritual sphere, it is impossible to imagine inter-religious dialogue and cooperation without Muslims today, and we must voice our concerns, as we have been encouraged by Pope John Paul II with regards to the preservation of all-important family values.

As for culture, it is with our active participation that we should help Europe to become a model of a multicultural society in its true sense. Examples of multiculturalism exist on the continent, in the form of large cities and entire regions such as Tatarstan in Eastern Europe, which is part of the Russian Federation. Likewise, Muslims should have their say in assisting refugees to adapt, as a considerable number escaped wars and famine in the Middle East, Africa and certain regions of South Asia. Instead of becoming a part of the problem, they can become the catalyst that will deliver impetus to European demographics and contribute to solutions in relation to employment issues in various spheres starting from the digital economy to services and industrial production.

Today, the Muslim community of Europe, being an integral part of the global Ummah, could play a significant part in developing the European economy, which is currently experiencing an exceedingly challenging time. This could be via investments from rich Muslim countries, finding new markets for European goods among Muslim consumers and more cost-effective production as a result of the employment and endeavour of Muslim migrants making Europe more competitive.

It is also worth mentioning that based on the ethos of our Religion, we should contribute to the preservation of ecology: starting from the ecology of our forests and fields to the cleanliness of our cities and the products we consume, whether it is with respect to household items or food, seeing as the future of Europe is closely related to how clean we keep it. This will enable our children to be raised in clean and well-maintained cities, have the opportunity to visit pollution-free nature, seas, mountains or other places, and moreover, so that people will be able to consume clean organic products.

According to our commandments and laws, Muslims should contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle as the norm for Europeans: a lifestyle free of alcohol, tobacco and drugs; with a balanced personal life and personal development within the framework of family values, encouraging people to grow and strengthen professionally and spiritually. And of course healthy living also implies sport and physical education.

It is also important to state that the Muslims of Europe should more actively fulfil their potential in political and public spheres, be more active in social projects and media relations, supporting truly democratic norms, that typically concur with Muslim values.

In regard to issues pertaining to ideology, Muslims alongside other benevolent people should more actively oppose extremist ideas that manifest themselves in ideologies like fascism, Nazism, racism and various types of xenophobia, including Islamophobia and ultra-right nationalism that divides people into a ‘good us’ and ‘bad them’. There should be no place for such ideologies, neither in contemporary Europe, nor worldwide in general.

In conclusion, we would like to invite representatives of the Muslim communities of Greater European countries: spiritual leaders, politicians, journalists, businessmen and people engaged in social projects to cooperate with the European Muslim Forum, so that together we may articulate a new image of the European Muslim - one who loves Europe and works for the benefit of its diverse peoples and countries; who endeavours to make Europe even more comfortable for all those who reside in and visit it and who preserves history and is able to react properly to any modern challenges, so that Europe continues with the integral participation of Muslims, so as to maintain its position in the world economy, politics and culture.

Therefore, let us all come together to achieve positive development for Europe by means of Islam and for Islam in Europe!
European Muslim Forum declaration of Copenhagen 12.02.2019
With the purpose of strengthening peace and cooperation between the representatives of the Abrahamic faiths, we, as representatives of Europe's Muslim communities, on behalf of the European Muslim Forum, adopt this Manifesto that appeals to all people of goodwill.

Centuries of inter-religious conflicts and the devastating World Wars that stole the lives of millions during the 20th century have brought the leaders of Abrahamic religions together today with the aim of formulating a new model of interaction and cooperation for the sake of strengthening peaceful and neighbourly relations.

The recent meeting of Pope Francis and the Head of Al Azhar University, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyib in Abu Dhabi resulted in the adoption of a comprehensive declaration calling all believing Christians and Muslims to peace and to counter violence using all legitimate means.

We, the representatives of the European Muslim Forum, fully support this appeal, and remark that without such steps towards each other by believers of different faiths, it is difficult to imagine today the development of inter-religious dialogue and cooperation.

Our joint effort in the preservation of our common human family, public ethics and morals, and the principles of multicultural and multi-confessional peaceful coexistence in all countries should become the basis for the development of such a dialogue and cooperation.

These values are common for representatives of all religions and are the principles that we should use to counter extremist ideologies, such as Neo-Nazis, racism and Islamophobia.

This is why we, as representatives of the European Muslim Forum, invite all people of goodwill, spiritual leaders, politicians, journalists and the business community to assist us in making our world a safer and more peaceful place.
European Muslim Forum online conference resolution as of the 22.07.2020
The following Resolution was adopted at the first European Muslim Forum (EMF) Virtual Conference held on Wednesday 22nd July 2020. 

The Conference participants expressed their views and suggestions to the current Global COVID’19 Pandemic and its effect on our communities. They outlined the prospect for the development of the Muslim community worldwide including 170 million Muslims living throughout Europe. They noted that the pandemic has caused unprecedented changes in all spheres of life all over the world. 

The Conference was addressed by prominent and eminent world leaders which included the Patron of the EMF, Mr Anwar Ibrahim, the Former Deputy PM of Malaysia as well as President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine, the former President of Bosnia, Mr Bakir Izetbegović as well as leading Muslim politicians and community leaders from a number of European countries and the USA.

The following key points were stressed and addressed as current Agenda for all the Muslim communities in Europe as well as all the people of goodwill worldwide. 

  1. The participants unequivocally stated that in this time and age there is no place for anomalies such as Racism, Xenophobia, Islamaphobia and all forms of prejudice, segregation and discrimination in our society. 
  2. It is imperative to bring immediate resolution to the continued occupation of Palestine. The continued injustice against the Palestinian people and their land generates a wave of violence against innocent civilians. It is most unfortunate that the so called ‘Deal of the Century’ imposed by Trump administration and to be implemented by Netanyahu only exacerbates the problem rather than moving closer to a peaceful solution. The Conference condemned the Israeli aggression and continued occupation of Palestinian land. It urged the world community to put pressure on Israel to abide by numerous UN Resolutions adopted at both the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council. 
  3. The participants expressed their support for the world should switch the new technologies and use model advances in science, including in the field of energy to protect and preserve our planet. Muslims should work in solidarity with environmental movements and campaigns to protect our planet. 
  4. The participants expressed their support for UN Secretary General for his message that International Institutions must be improved and be efficient with particular reference to the UN itself, the G20, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the European Union and the African Union. They called for the reform to be more effective so that they can fully respond to the challenges of our time and to the needs of the world population. 
  5. The participants urged the world community to take responsibility and work out common healthcare system as the world is now interconnected. Rich countries should not shut themselves from the rest of the world since infections do not distinguish social, religious or state borders as proven by the COVID19 pandemic. The world community should work together to bring the pandemic to an end and to ensure early release of safe, quality, efficacious, effective and affordable vaccines which are available for everyone regardless of their social, cultural and religious backgrounds.
  6. The participants urged the international community to resolve the Libyan crisis by an intra-Libyan settlement. It should not grow into an inter Arab or inter Islamic conflict. It is necessary to find a peaceful solution in line with international legality through the United Nations. The same approach should be used for crisis in Yemen, Syria, Mali and in other parts of the world.
  7. The participants understand and appreciate the decision of the Turkish authorities to return the usage of Hagia Sofia as a Mosque. It was also emphasised that all historic places of worship should be returned to believers and at all times should be open to the public. 
  8. The participants expressed their sadness to their partners at Islamic Centre of Denmark at the burning down of their Centre which was done accidentally. Participants urged the Muslim communities in Europe to support financially in building the new Islamic Centre in Denmark. 
  9. The participants urged the multi national communities of Muslims living In South of France especially those from Maghreb, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and others from Turkey, Bosnia, Albania including Chechnya to be united and work together for the common good. The participants expressed their sadness against the spread of drug addiction among young people in those areas which has been the cause of conflict amongst communities. 
  10. The participants expressed their solidarity with the Muslim communities of Greece with their concerns of the breach of their Human Rights where the authorities in Greece have closed down mosques for prayers. The participants urged the European Union to press upon the government of Greece to allow Muslims to use their places of worship for prayers. It is apparent that the Greek government is acting with Islamaphobic agenda and they are focusing on discouraging the refugees from staying in the country and making their lives of local Muslims very difficult. Closing down of places of worship in Europe is a dangerous precedent which should not be allowed and the Greek government must reverse its unjust and unfair decision.
  11. The participants expressed their deep concern at the escalation of the Armenian - Azerbaijani conflict through out the joint order in the Karabagh region. The aggression by Armenia should be stopped immediately and the parties to conflict should revert back to the original borders. 
  12. The participants expressed their deep concerns at the violation of basic human rights of the Kashmiri people and the continued lockdown of Kashmir by the Indian government which has caused great injustice and oppression on the local Muslim community. The Conference urged the UN to implement its resolution on Kashmir and to ensure that the Kashmiris have the right to self determination. The atrocities on the Kashmiris should be stopped immediately.
  13. The Participants expressed their deep concerns at the state of Uyghars community in China which are heavily oppressed by the state officials. They urge the international community through the UN to bring an end to the suffering of the innocent people. 
  14. The Participants urged the Muslim communities and its leadership in Europe to interact with each other and identify opportunities for collaboration amongst Muslims of different European countries. The Muslims in Europe have a duty to contribute towards the revival of the economies in Europe as well as to assist in the rehabilitation of migrants coming into their countries. The success of the Muslim communities in Europe depends upon their social cohesion and to ensure their practice their faith with the true teachings of Islam which emphasis in living in harmony with all the people irrespective of their faith, ethnic origin or social background. The Muslims in Europe should project exemplary behaviour and at all times to respect the laws of the countries in which they live. 

The Conference participants expressed their deep appreciation to the EMF for organising this timely Conference on the important subject of the post pandemic situation. The Conference expressed their heart felt thanks to the leaders of the Muslim world who participated in the Conference and provided their valuable advice and guidance. Finally deep appreciation was expressed to all the speaker’s, moderators and the staff of the EMF which made it possible for the successful Conference.
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